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Sun Tzu's Memes: The Story Behind "The Art of War" Adaptations

Explore the humorous reimagining of "The Art of War" through the best Sun Tzu quotes that later turned into memes


Funny Sun Tzu's quotes from "The Art of War" ("孙子兵法") offer humorous takes on the ancient Chinese warrior and philosopher's treatise, created over two millennia ago. Sun Tzu intended his work as a practical guide for war tacticians and battlefield strategists to use when planning military operations. 

His teachings stand out as a wellspring of timeless wisdom, offering invaluable guidance for mastering life's trials, whether conquering personal fears, deftly navigating workplace conflicts, or prevailing in competition against rivals. Either way, Sun Tzu succinctly outlined the fundamental principles of waging war and preparing for it. 

Headway's summary of Sun Tzu's "The Art of War" will help you discover the enduring secrets that the brilliant General left behind. These insights allow readers to learn how to succeed not only on the frontline but in business, sports, and politics. 

Sun Tzu's "The Art of War": How ancient bamboo slips made its way into modern Internet culture

"The Art of War" is an ageless masterpiece by General Sun Tzu. It offers valuable advice on decision-making, conflict resolution, corporate leadership, and goal pursuit. Alongside the serious original, readers can easily find its humorous and accessible "adaptations" conveyed through memes, making the 2500-year-old writing even more engaging and relevant in today's world.

Originating from ancient China during the Zhou dynasty, this text was first recorded on bamboo slips, serving as a testament to its literary perseverance as historical eras changed. One of its most famous and central takeaways is the art of winning without engaging in direct conflict, a strategy that continues to influence various aspects of contemporary life:

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”

Sun Tzu quote

Sun Tzu's principles, as well as those of other military creative minds, have been incorporated into military institutions' curricula, including the United States Military Academy (West Point). So how did his writing become memes flooding TikTok, video games, and anime fandom platforms?

The bloggers on critique "The Art of War," emphasizing that the book contains overly simplistic concepts (in strategic terms) like advising readers to avoid battles if the likelihood of losing is high, realizing how disadvantageous it is to be outnumbered, and considering deception as the primary strategic tool:

“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.”

Sun Tzu quote

So, in a nutshell, the widespread use and simplicity of Sun Tzu's wisdom paved this book's way into digital meme culture, with black humor memes coming in handy:

"If you do not feed your soldiers, they will die."

The author opted for simplicity in his writing tone (how he puts words and phrases together, level of formality) because he originally targeted an audience of sophisticated nobles, heavily immersed in philosophical thought but lacking practical military experience.

Hence, "The Art of War" and its funny version, accessible through memes, is a must-read. This collection of wise guidelines attributed to General Sun Tzu initially provided valuable insights for individuals from the upper classes who might have been detached from the realities of the war. 

The rise of the Sun Tzu memes

Basically, Sun Tzu found himself attempting to convey fundamental logic to a group of individuals who seemed out of touch with the true course of events around them. Frustrated by their failure to comprehend the specifics of warfare on the ground, the General decided to simplify his thoughts, creating a clear message similar to a passive-aggressive "As per my last email."

This is actually one of the most popular meme templates, used to humorously reflect on situations in which you find yourself recounting something that has already been well-explained. Slowly but inevitably, the seriousness of Sun Tzu's teachings became a subject of humor in a society of digital prodigies, most of whom have seen wars up close.

Nowadays, "The Art of War" continues to influence our approaches to navigating modern life through the lenses of internet culture. It's intriguing to witness how these ancient ideas on tactics and leadership keep permeating popular culture. They make their way into the realm of comedy and highlight the enduring relevance of ancient Chinese military strategy in contemporary society. It is exactly why and how "To know your enemy, you must become your enemy" got modified into "Keep your friends close, but your enemies far away. They would kill you if they were closer."

Funny Sun Tzu quotes that’ll surely make you laugh

The origins of the Sun Tzu meme mania are a bit murky, with many social media users responding "IDK" when asked about its beginnings. However, there is a consensus that Technoblade, a widely popular YouTuber and gamer, propelled the trend. In his videos, particularly those related to computer games like Potato War, this content creator frequently alludes to the universal pieces of wisdom found in "The Art of War." These strategic references have played a significant role in boosting the popularity of the related memes:

"Meme them until they cry, then make memes about them crying."


Today, users might encounter some of the most well-known Sun Tzu memes on international platforms such as iFunny and Know Your Meme. These platforms offer audiences a collection of engaging GIFs and stickers that often showcase remarkable wit and creativity:

"Naked man fears no pickpocket".


"Age is only a number unless it is under 18".


Classic humor: Sun Tzu quotes on strategic thinking

Some Sun Tzu memes very closely resemble their initial meaning, yet, of course, with a humorous twist. One of the classical principles of war taught by Sun Tzu is learning as much as possible about your enemy and adjusting your tactics and strategy accordingly:

"If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. If sovereign and subject are in accord, put a division between them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected".

Sun Tzu quote

This quote has given grounds for a bunch of the most hilarious memes:

Always remember that the sun will come out tomorrow and shine on a fresh new set of unbelievable horrors and disappointments."


"Keep your friends close, but your enemies far away. They would kill you if they were closer."


"The best way to win a fight is to reduce your enemies' HP (horse power) to 0 while keeping yours above 0."


Meanwhile, a classic "The Art of War" principle of defeating your rival without fighting has transformed in the following way:

Original: "To win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill."

Meme: "The acme of war is to subdue the enemy with briefing slides."

The last meme quote suggests that one can outsmart an adversary without direct confrontation by engaging them in a lengthy interactive briefing, as many know exactly how it feels like to sit through a 100+ slide presentation.

Modern and humorous adaptations of Sun Tzu treatise

Some of Sun Tzu’s meme wisdom is particularly applicable to diverse contemporary circumstances and ideas on personal evolution, mindfulness progress, and strategic life planning.

For example, an original quote on pursuing your dreams and not missing opportunities is:

"Fight your enemy where they aren't... The opportunity to defeat your enemy is provided by the enemy himself".

Sun Tzu quote

The concept entails defining the theme, location, and the aspect of the confrontation where your opponent is likely to fail and avoiding engaging on their terms. The idea is to avoid getting pulled into their preferred terms and instead lure them into your territory, where you are better equipped to succeed. 

In memes, this quote becomes an awkwardly simplistic idea:

"If you don't know what you're doing, the enemy will never know."


Or, Sun Tzu's quote gets placed next to a witty meme response like this:

Original: "If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by."

Meme: "[But] not if you chain them to an anvil."

Outlandish and absurd: Vulgarity in memes ascribed to Sun Tzu

In contemporary culture, it is noteworthy that Sun Tzu memes have evolved to encompass a more provocative quality to resonate with a wider demographic. This includes individuals within the military. It is also exemplified by the prevalent production of on-cloth patches designed for uniforms, many of which contain explicit hints like: 

"A foolish man tries to make eye contact with the women, a wise man respectfully looks a bit down."


Such trends underscore the fact that thematic dark humor and vulgarity-reference patches hold a broad appeal and are notably lucrative in the market:

"It's better to have a fat ss than to be a fat ss."

Some memes ascribed to Sun Tzu have become stickers on all sorts of items that could be bought and sold online. A vulgar sticker meme was found on the Red Bubble and other similar platforms:

"A battle is not truly WON until you te*bag your enemy."

"It’s when a mosquito lands on your d*ck that you understand that violence isn't the solution."

"Do them dirty, in front of their dad."

Standing the test of time: Sun Tzu's internet memes and modern tech age

The timeless wisdom encoded in "The Art of War" seems to have found a new life in the digital age, given how his teachings are being transformed into various formats such as video memes, graphics, stickers, and more. The proliferation of Sun Tzu memes has led to the creation of specialized services like's "Sun Tzu Meme Generator," which enables web users to attribute any quote to the ancient military strategist.

The tech progress has emboldened a burst of global-scale creativity, resulting in a diverse range of memes translated into different languages, with each meme offering its own unique take on Sun Tzu's teachings. Some veer into the realm of strangeness, sexualized, or politicized content, while others offer earnest yet self-deprecating reflections on personal growth and strategic thinking reminiscent of Sun Tzu's renowned work:

"Step so far outside your comfort zone that you reach your snuggle sector."


"If you can’t defeat them, defeat yourself so they cannot defeat you."


"Always abandon your most strategic air base right before an evacuation."


The last meme, created in response to the withdrawal of American forces from Afghanistan, embodies a perfect example of irony. It reflects the chaotic aftermath that ensued when the forces left the US Airbase. The quote featured in the meme, attributed to Sun Tzu, has been popularly printed on t-shirts and coffee mugs, adding a touch of satire to an otherwise tragic situation.

Discover more of Sun Tzu and "The Art of War" with Headway

One of the most lighthearted memes caricaturing the trend implies that Sun Tzu said:

"When I die, I swear to God I hope no one makes up fake quotes from my book."

Well, given how much the Internet relies on simplifying stuff for people and making it more entertaining rather than educational (even if it has something to do with serious wartime guidelines), it's understandable why making memes to cause "LOL" reactions will have a long life, just like this one:

"The most surest way to win is not to lose."

To explore more of Sun Tzu's universe, check out the "The Art of War" summary on the Headway app.

Access valuable insights contained in our curated lists, including "11 Best Books On Military Strategy," "142 Best Leadership Books," and "12 Best Books On Power" to enrich your strategic thinking and personal growth.


What is Commander Sun Tzu good at?

Sun Tzu was known for his flexibility and ability to surprise his enemies. According to Sima Qian, in his almost 40 years as a general, Sun Tzu never lost a battle, campaign, or war. One of Sun Tzu's tactics for gaining an advantage is to lure the enemy out.

When did Sun Tzu write 'The Art of War'?

Authorship is traditionally attributed to the semi-legendary military leader and strategist Sun Tzu (4-5 centuries BC). Most scholars believe it was written during the Warring States period between 475 and 221 BC.

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